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Colors alphabetically - color names from A to Z

Colors are a very broad and interesting topic. Their number is so huge that creating a list of all shades is almost impossible. Despite this, they are an extremely simple category, because colors are known to everyone. Some people have a rather limited knowledge of colors, while others have a very extensive one, delving into the smallest details of each shade. The problem arises in people who have a problem with defining a given color, let alone defining a given shade. Therefore, our list was created, where the colors are arranged alphabetically with a short description and characteristics. Below you will find an alphabetical list of colors.

All color names from A to Z - alphabetically

Apparently, women can distinguish more colors than men, but this statement can be considered a myth. A lot is changing in today's world, and our color list has been prepared for both genders, regardless of who knows the colors at what level. By clicking on one of the above categories, you will see a list of all the colors that start with a given letter of the alphabet.

Difficult color names in city-state game

Although the names of the basic colors are familiar to each of us, the problem arises with the slightly more complicated ones. Some of them are so sophisticated that you probably had no idea about them. Let's take the example of a color with the letter U, where at first it might seem that there is no such color. However, we managed to find as many as three such colors, e.g. Ugier, Ultramarine and Umbra. Some of the colors are identified with some objects or even an animal, e.g. cranberry, salmon or pigeon color. We currently have over 200 different colors in our database. Our list of colors arranged alphabetically is primarily to help you play the city-state game and to expand your knowledge of colors and colors. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the names of colors and gain an advantage over other players.

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