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Rules of the game - city states

I think we've all played the city-state game. We often play it at school, during family gatherings, or just killing boredom with friends. It is one of the most popular pastimes, requiring thinking and basic knowledge in several areas. Taking part in the game is not complicated, because we only need a piece of paper and something to write on, e.g. a pen or pencil. We need a minimum of two people to play your city, and there is no maximum number. However, the more people there are, the more likely the passwords will be repeated.

How to play the city state game? The most important rules.

The initial task in the city state game is to make a table. It should contain a certain number of columns and categories. The categories will include countries, cities, plants, animals, names, things. In addition, in the additional column, enter the points, where we will add up their number after each round. The next stage of the game is to draw letters. The idea is for one of the players to mentally say the alphabet, but omit letters such as ą, ę, ń, ó, q, v, x, y. Before starting to mentally speak these letters, mark that you have started. Then say XYZ out loud . When one person says the alphabet, the other predetermined at any chosen moment must interrupt it by saying STOP. Then the first person speaks out loud on which letter they stopped speaking. Then everyone starts to complete the table with words starting with that letter. The first person to fill in all the columns starts counting down the time for the other participants, usually 30 seconds.

How do you count points in the city state game?

At the end of the round, each participant in turn says aloud what password they entered in each column. The most commonly used scoring is as follows:
- 15 points when only one player has an answer and the other participants have empty seats,
- 10 points when the player has entered a password and it differs from the passwords of other participants,
- 5 points when the player has entered the correct password, but one or more participants have the same password,
- 0 points when the player did not enter any password in the column.
Then, after entering the score, sum it up and discover who was the winner of the round. The game is played over a number of rounds determined by the players, which are also added up at the end. The person with the most points wins the game from all rounds.

The most common mistakes in the city state game?

Games with other participants are associated with the desire to win, and thus competition with other players. Competition mainly motivates us to play the best game possible, but it can also confuse us. When we want to win at all costs, we can get distracted and have problems with logical and quick thinking. Then, for example, when the password animal starts with the letter P and we can say, let's assume a dog, we wander and look somewhere deep. Often there are also situations where, for example, you need to enter a plant starting with the letter D and someone enters the password ''tree''. This is considered a mistake, because in this case it was a plant species. However, it should be remembered that this game is only for entertainment and you do not need to stress and strive to win at all costs. The most important thing is great fun and educational development of the game.

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