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Female names that start with E


Eve is a female name that begins with the letter E. It means "life" in the Sumerian language. They were used for the first time two thousand years before our era. In the Bible, Eve played a key role. She was the first woman created by God, the mother of all people. Through her temptation, she brought death to Earth.


Elena is one of the names beginning with the letter E. It is most popular in the eastern part of Europe, especially in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. More and more common in Poland. It comes from the Greek language, when translated means "moon". The diminutive of Elena is Elenka.


Eleonora is a name that begins with the letter E. It has no confirmed origin, it is believed that it may come from Hebrew, Greek or Arabic. We can associate them with history, because that was the name of the Empress of Germany, Eleonora Avis, in the fifteenth century.

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