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Female names that start with F


Florence belongs to the group of female names. It is believed to come from the Latin meaning "auspicious" or "blooming". Equivalents of Florence can be found in several languages. In France we will meet them as Florence. Name days are celebrated on November 10 and December 1.


Felicia is one of many names that start with the letter F. It comes from the Latin language. The exact word from which this name is derived is felix, which means "happy", "gracious" or "kind". One of the diminutives is Felka. She has her patron saint in Catholicism.


Fatima is a name beginning with the letter F. It is very common in the Muslim world, due to the fact that the roots of the name are in Arabic. When translated, it means "restrained" or "refraining". In Portugal there is a city of the same name as this name, which is besieged by pilgrims from all over the world.

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