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Female names that start with I


Irena is a female given name beginning with the letter I. It comes from the Greek language. In the masculine version, it sounds like Ireneusz. In Russian, the name is pronounced as Irina. From history, we can remember the Byzantine empress with this name, who lived from the year 752. The name occurs in Catholicism.


Ida is one of the names that has a very debatable etymology. It is believed that it comes from Germanic or Latin, and in Poland it appeared for the first time in 1265. One of the historical princesses of Lorraine was named after this name. He celebrates his name day at least five times a year.


Ilona is a female name beginning with the letter I. It is considered a variant of the Hungarian name Helena. It has equivalents in several languages, and in Russian it sounds like Jelena. Popular diminutives for Ilona are Ilusia, Iloneczka, Ilonka, Iluniek. In Italian, Ilona is Elena, which in Polish is a separate name.

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