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Female names that start with M


Marianne is one of the female names beginning with the letter M. Her corresponding masculine name is Marian. In Poland, it was already present in the Middle Ages and until the nineteenth century it was one of the most popular names that were given. Diminutive Marianna is called Marianka or Mania.


Marceline is one of the female names that begins with the letter M. It is believed that it comes from Latin and defined a woman belonging to the Roman family of Marcelli. It has equivalents in several languages and in the masculine form as Marcelin. Marcelina can be diminutively called Marcysia or Marcyśka.


Malvina is one of the names reserved for women that begins with the letter M. It is believed that it comes from the Germanic or Celtic language. The masculine variation of this name is Malwin. The most popular date for Malwina's name day is July 4. In Poland in 2022, about twenty thousand women bore the name.

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