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Female names that start with V


Veronica is a female name beginning with the letter V. It comes from Greek and means "victory". Among Catholics, it is associated with the saint of that name, who wiped Jesus' face with her scarf. The image imprinted on this veil was defined as the true appearance of Christ. In Poland, it is one of the most frequently given names.


Violetta is one of the names beginning with the letter V. Often also written as Wioleta. It comes from the Italian language. A heroine with this name appeared in the drama "Kordian" by Juliusz Słowacki. It has equivalents in other languages. You can call her Wiolka diminutively.


Victoria is a female name beginning with the letter V. It comes from Latin and means "victory". The diminutive is Wikunia, Wikusia, Wiki or Wika. In Poland, it has been used since the thirteenth century and is one of the most popular names. In Catholicism, there is a saint with this name and she is the patron saint of the city of Łowicz.

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