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Male names that start with C


Cezary is a male name beginning with the letter C. It does not have a fully accepted etymology. In the calendar, when it comes to name days, the name Cezary appears at least ten times a year. The female counterpart is Cezaryna and Cezaria. You can say Czarek diminutively.


Cyprian is a male name. It is believed to come from Latin. In Poland, it was already known in the twelfth century. There is a saint by this name in Catholicism. The name can be diminutively described as Cyprianek or Cypisek. It has equivalents in languages other than Polish.


Charles is a male name that starts with the letter C. Its female counterpart is Karolina. He is believed to be of Frankish descent. Means a brave man, a warrior. The Old Scandinavian translation is "man, husband". Karol is a very common name in Hispanic countries.


Clement is one of the names that comes from the Latin language. It means an indulgent, gentle man. Appears at least seven times on calendar cards. There have been as many as fourteen popes in history with this name. The name is used in French and German, among others.

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