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Male names that start with G


Gabriel is a male name beginning with the letter G. It is believed to be of Semitic origin. In Hebrew it means "man of God". In Islam, it is believed that a man with this name dictated the Qur'an to a prophet named Muhammad. The female equivalent is Gabriela.


Gregory is one of the names that starts with the letter G. It has equivalents in several dozen languages. There have been as many as seventeen popes with this name. Grzegorz's name day appears over twenty times in the calendar. Grześ can be described diminutively.


George is a masculine name beginning with the letter G. It is believed to be the equivalent of the Greek word which means "farmer". He is diminutively referred to as Jurek. It has equivalents in many languages. The name can be associated with a Polish soccer player whose name is Jerzy Dudek.

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