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Vegetable that start with C


Cauliflower, which qualifies as vegetable cabbage, is a vegetable with the letter C. It is an annual plant and grows in well-sunlit areas. When cauliflower is cooked, sulfur is released, but it is one of the vegetables rich in good composition.


Cucurbit, otherwise zucchini, which is one of the varieties of pumpkin, is a vegetable with the letter C. There are about 15 calories in 100 grams of the product. It has many cultivated varieties. Squash fruits are dark green and look not much different from a very large cucumber.


Cassava is a vegetable with the letter C. It can reach up to 4 kilograms and over half a meter in height. Raw it is a poisonous vegetable, and it is suitable for consumption after proper processing. In tropical areas of Asia and Africa, cassava is the main food ingredient for more than half of the population.


Celery is a vegetable whose name begins with the letter C. It can often be found as an ingredient in soups or juices. Celery accelerates digestion and is used as the main component of reduction diets. It is a real vitamin bomb and helps in the work of many organs.

Vegetable that start with C, that too:

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