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Which EU countries are not members of NATO?

NATO is an alliance of European and North American countries whose purpose is to protect member states by political and military means. Most European Union countries are members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, but there are some exceptions. It should be remembered that NATO and the European Union are two different organizations and belonging to one does not mean participation in the other and vice versa. So, are there non-NATO EU countries? In our article, we will dispel all doubts on this topic.

Which countries are applying to join NATO

Some countries, although they do not belong to the North Atlantic Alliance, try to join this organization. They include e.g. Finland and Sweden, which aim to strengthen the security of their country. In Finland, this idea was born in December 2021 and was related to Russia's growing military pressure on Ukraine. This happened because Russia undermined the existing security structure of Finland, a country that has a 1,340-kilometer border with Russia. They have also shown that they are ready for brutal military acts in order to undermine the European order and international law on which Finnish security was based. The Russian invasion also hit Sweden, more specifically, a shift in public opinion towards NATO membership. The Swedish government has so far shown a negative attitude towards joining the alliance, as they sought to gradually develop their own defense capabilities. From the side of the alliance, Finland and Sweden would certainly increase security in the Baltic Sea region and strengthen NATO's deterrence policy.

Austria and Ireland - no desire to join the alliance

Another EU country that does not belong to NATO is Austria, which has made it clear that it has no intention of joining. The Austrian chancellor announced that his country would not give up its neutrality, which is enshrined in the Austrian constitution. According to a poll from early May, only 14% of respondents supported Austria's entry into NATO. respondents and 75 percent. she was against. Ireland is in a similar situation, as it also does not intend to apply to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. The Minister of Defense of this country assured that this will not change in the near future. However, he mentioned that in connection with the Russian invasion, discussions on EU cooperation with NATO are increasingly visible on the Internet and in the media. Many people believe that allying Ireland with NATO would be a big mistake. A March poll showed that 48% of the Irish would be in favor of joining NATO.

Malta, Cyprus, Switzerland - which EU countries are not members of NATO

Other EU countries that do not belong to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are: Malta, Cyprus and Switzerland. As for Malta, the matter is obvious, because it has neutrality written into its constitution. The case of Cyprus, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated because the country is divided into Greek and Turkish parts. Turkey would not agree to such a maneuver. In addition, some Cypriots blame the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for not reacting when NATO member Turkey invaded. In Switzerland, there are intentions to increase cooperation with NATO and the US. They announced that after the end of the war between Russia and Ukraine, they would strive to strengthen ties with the North Atlantic Alliance and the US. They are primarily interested in strengthening their defense capabilities while maintaining traditional neutrality in times of crisis.

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